Thursday, December 7, 2006

Dominic Carter's Dual Role

"I had to do his job because he didn't stand up as a candidate."

That's what NY1 News host Dominic Carter said about hosting the comptroller's debate with the embattled Alan Hevesi and under-whelming Chris Callaghan.

It kind of speaks to dual role of the media, as news reporter and candidate when one party (which one this year?) doesn't really field an alternative.

-- Azi Paybarah

Update: I just got chewed out by a lady for not noting Dominic's other point, which was that he found it hard to interview Hevesi because they were friends. Friends!? (Wish I had some.) But she's right and I'm sort of glad she doesn't have a blog. But the point that Dominic was hesitant to press the questions was pretty honest.

By the way, this audience gets this blogging stuff pretty quickly. Great.


Anonymous said...

Who cares? Politainment! Gawker says Jared Kushner is dating Atoosa Rubenstein!

Anonymous said...

Dominic went after Hevesi only because the Republicans could not field a real candidate for Comptroller. Frankly the issue is less about Dominic and more about the collapse of the Republican party in NYS.

Anonymous said...

I am a 911WTC 'survivor' who heard the demolition go up through 6WTC behind me while I was evacuating the area.....

What about the demolition in the wtc complex that the FBI admitted was there in the WTC... The FDNY also knew about this and the fire marshals were never permitted to do their jobs, ie, determine among other things the nature of the blazes in the building and structural failure, and about Silverstein admitting on PBS that he gave the order to the FDNY to demolish 7WTC on that afternoon approx 5pm, when the building symmetrically deteriorated into its foundation in less than 10seconds.

Anonymous said...

The lady who went after Azi should have her own blog or her own radio show etc.

Fig said...

This could be a historic moment--
let's DISPENSE with the question
"does the media create news OR
should the media (just) report it?"

Ultimately fruitless question-the answer is, of course, "yes" to
both. If the Pentagon Papers are
"leaked" to a newspaper, is this
"newsworthy"?? You betcha.

Might the "media" do its investigative role?? Of course-
that is its role!

And define, now in 2006, "media"-is now multi-directional. Used
to be mainlyh PRINT, but electronic sources now play a
role and credibility is accepted
but now always verified.

The media will do what it must to
REPORT. Remember, some "media" is
a business.

Anonymous said...

Enjoying the challenges of blogging, i.e. technical difficulties. Perhaps I feel like a third party candidate trying to enter the public debate, a frustration mentioned by the Green Party candidate running for Comptroller.

On that, in a (often) one party town, voting for a third party candidate may actually be more meaningful than just focusing on the "major" parties. With an election expected to be a blowout, I'd like to know what alternatives I have for my votes, such as supporting an emerging party instead of a loser. Though I do appreciate the time constraints of the media too.

Anonymous said...

In the 2005 election I am curious if the panel was surprised, That the democratic candidates rarely brought attention to citywide civic associations dislike of the Bloomberg administrations Building Department service performance?

Anonymous said...

In the 2005 election I am curious if the panel was surprised, That the democratic candidates rarely brought attention to citywide civic associations dislike of the Bloomberg administrations Building Department service performance?

Anonymous said...

Azi's initial post is the kind of sloppy writing that is hurting journalism. Carter was speaking specifically about Callaghan. Yet his posting does not give that important context. To insiders, it is obvious but those who google Hevesi or Dominic in the months ahead and come across this site, won't understand the quote. Sloppy reporting. I've worked in several newsrooms. That would not be tolerated.

Anonymous said...

"That's what NY1 News host Dominic Carter said about hosting the comptroller's debate with the embattled Alan Hevesi and under-whelming Chris Callaghan."